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Handcrafted Soap – Ouma Hanna se Boerseep

(5 customer reviews)


Original Ouma Hanna boerseep

Availability: In stock

We tried our best to make our own Boerseep, but we realized that we can not do it like the ouma’s do it. OLD SCHOOL soap making!

We decided to source the real thing instead! Thank you Ouma hanna se boerseep team for providing this amazing product! They provide the product, and we package and re sell it. This is the only soap we do not make ourselves.

If you have not used boerseep and you are thinking about purchasing one, your life will change! This is the most efficient stain remover we have used to date, and we even wash our kids with it!


In loving memory of our Mother Johanna Louw 
17/07/1937 tot 29/7/2013


“Every generation of the Louw family has been involved in the making of cold water soap. As long as I can remember, my grandmother “Ouma Duifie”, made this soap on our Elandsoog farm based in the Middelpos district. Every now and then, she would make the old fashioned boiled soap. She taught my mother Johanna Louw, also know as “Ouma Hanna” finer art of making cold water soap.

Since October 2007, Alida Taljaard has taken over and with the close supervision of Ouma Hanna, has created her very own cold water soap. In August 2009, Alida’s twin sister, Christine Bothma, has joined the “LOUW soap-making team” after refining the soap-making skill herself.

Boerseep is suitable for all domestic uses. It is especially suitable for washing white clothes and fat stains. After you have generously applied the soap, let it soak overnight and then wash in washing machine. The result is a guaranteed fat-free and pure-white product.

It is common knowledge that our ancestors had to make their own soap, this is why the “soap pot” was one of the more valuable items when travelling afar. Recipes have been passed down from generation to generation, but soap making literature is very hard to find”

Cold Water Method

They use the COLD WATER METHOD and the name cold water says exactly what it is, the soda cans are made with COLD rainwater or distilled water. With this method, the soap is not cooked at all, but stirred until the fat and soda soak.

Instructions for sse (cold & warm water)


Clothing : Whiter than white, removes spots & fat stains

Cold water : For stubborn stains like red wine, pomegranate juice, blood, mud, curry, ink

Warm water : For fatty stains like oil, grease diesel & fat

Pots & Pans: For a spotless shine

Mats, baths, showers: Scrub, let it stand for a bit and rinse.

Use as handwashing soap, it is very soft on the skin.

Soak overnight for best results.


Cold water soaps are made from two 100% natural ingredients eg:

Ox and / or sheep’s hard inner fat & rainwater. The rainwater has no impurities. Mixing caustic soda and rainwater is called leachate. No coloring or flavoring is added. This method does not boil the boiling soap, but stirs until it thickens and solidifies. During manufacturing, the saponification process takes place where the fat [acid] mixes with the soda [alkali] to form soap. The soaps are then stored for a period of 6 to 8 weeks or longer and warm to cover and ready for use. As time goes by, the soaps become harder and thus they last much longer. The pH is below 10 and therefore suitable for human use.

NOTE: NO soap of any kind is made without caustic soda !!!

Domestic uses

Boer soap is suitable for all domestic uses: – rugs; baths; showers; tiles; walls; cabinets & stoves. Apply on wet surface and leave for ± 30 minutes before scrubbing with a sponge or scrub brush. After washing your pots and pans, grease the soapy water with a soft sponge and rinse well under the tap. This makes the pots sparkle.

Boerseep is also the only soap suitable for use in gray water according to the well-known Dr Dave Pepler, well-known environmental specialist from Stellenbosch.

According to Prof Suzanne Delport, Petrus Britz of the Agricultural Research Council is of the opinion that farm soap in gray water is closer to nature and therefore less harmful, provided it is treated first and also well aerated before use.

Washing machine

Farm soap is economical, versatile and effective. Remove stubborn stains by lubricating and soaking. Dissolve 25g of grated soaps in 1 liter of boiling water. After it has cooled down, it looks like starch – depending on the size of your batch of laundry in your washing machine. Soap soap replaces soap powder, softener and stain remover in the washing machine. Boereep soap does not make a lot of foam but does a lot of soapy because it is very concentrated. Therefore, laundry must be rinsed very well and thoroughly to prevent the formation of white spots on clothing. Then rinse for a 2nd time.

For washing white garments and grease stains, soap is the ideal solution. After you have greased it well and let it soak overnight, throw in your washing machine and a bright white product is guaranteed. If a stain is very stubborn, rub with soap and hang outside in the sun to dry and then wash again. Repeat several times until stain is removed.

Boer soap is suitable for all domestic uses: – rugs; baths; showers; tiles; walls; cabinets & stoves. Apply on wet surface and leave for ± 30 minutes before scrubbing with a sponge or scrub brush. After washing your pots and pans, grease the soapy water with a soft sponge and rinse well under the tap. This makes the pots sparkle. Boerseep is also the only soap suitable for use in gray water according to the well-known Dr Dave Pepler well-known environmental specialist from Stellenbosch. According to Prof Suzanne Delport, Petrus Britz of the Agricultural Research Council is of the opinion that farm soap in gray water is closer to nature and therefore less harmful, provided it is treated first and also well aerated before use.

Human use

Granny Hanna’s cold water soaps are 100% pure, pH is below 10. NO coloring and / or seasoning is added. Because it is so pure, it is suitable for sensitive skins to use as bath soap; face soap; shaving cream as well as shampoo. It moisturizes the skin and relieves eczema, sores and such skin irritations. Therefore, it is recommended to wash your clothes and bedding with soap bar if you have a skin problem. If you are camping and just take what is needed, then booster soap is your solution for everything you need!


Because the pH of Granny Hanna’s bar soap is below 10 and suitable for human use, it is also suitable for animals. This will moisturize their skins and also help fight fleas.

5 reviews for Handcrafted Soap – Ouma Hanna se Boerseep

  1. Anonymous

    My seuns skeer daarmee en al die aknee is weg. Wonderlik!

  2. Anje Taljaard

    My boys can’t do without it. Reduce pimples and skin rash after shaving.

  3. Anonymous

    We use this boerseep for stubborn stains and various other cleaning in the home. It works amazing!

  4. Anonymous

  5. Leonore Neuenschwander

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